Thursday, August 12, 2010

Looking Ahead

What will technology usage to look like in your classroom at the end of the first marking period?  Identify some programs and/or applications you look to imbed.


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  1. I will be using smart notebook for creating lessons, uploading notes to my teacher site, and also creating presentations using

  2. I'll be using the Blog and wallwisher for do now's and exit tickets/closures.

    I'll also use my Blog to upload notes and reviews and communicate with the students outside of school.

    I also want to use the smart notebook for my DOL's.

  3. I will continue creating Smartboard lessons, but now I will jing vokis and glogs for my lessons and link prezis,video clips and activies from websites.

    I will upload my creations to my teacher page and have my students upload their projects. I will be having parents and students complete forms on my teacher page.

    I want my students to make a Voki and answer specific questions in their audio.

    I have planned a Vocabulary wordle project using ietherpad and wordle to create vocabulary posters.

    I also want my students to create a glog or a prezi during the first marking period.

    I hope to teach them some of the smartboard features so they can eventually create word problem presentations to share with their classmates later during the year.

  4. I would like to use wallwisher and todaysmeet (both chats) to have students answer questions during films.

    I am also planning to use SMART notebook to present lessons on basic vocabulary and culture in French class.

    The big project for the students will be using glogster to create a French culture project.

  5. I am expanding my use of Teacher Sites. I have put my beginning of the year info sheet on my teacher page as a form and will have parents give me their e-mail through the site. I also am going to try to do some quizzes through my site.

    I am also going to incorporate more Smart Notebook lessons this year. I am going to try to have students do presentations through the smartboard and use Audacity to record.

    I have a Blog set-up for the start of the year and would like to incorporate these as a form of communication throughout the year.
