Check out the Teacher Resources that are listed in the link at the top of this page. They provide a variety of links that can support student learning through the use of technology applications.
LMS Teachers
Welcome to the blog for the LMS staff. This is an area to post information to your colleagues and assist one another to enhance the learning opportunities for our students.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Teacher Resources
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Technology Integration
Technology integration strategies currently being used by LMS staff
· Smart board for
o daily agendas
o do nows
o word documents
o rubrics
o Smart board games
o Interactive smart board lessons with click to reveal and balloons.
o xtranormal video to re-enforce OPAC lesson
o Using Smart recorder to record lessons for the benefit of absent students or those who need to review the lesson
· Backchanneling Moodle or
· ietherpad
· Coverit Live
· Vokis
· posting homework online
· post learning intentions
· blogs for students to answer questions
· on line forms for students to fill out and submit
· Give quizzes using teacher site
· Students use online Chinese dictionary and other authentic sites to create lessons for reviewing material
· Same time DOL and attendance- concern
· Google earth
· Brain pop used in math
· Great for group research
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Below is a blog posting that I recently read. I think it clearly articulates the need to go slow when integrating technology into the classroom. Slow doesn’t mean once a month or once a year, I think that is a snail’s pace. Each person will have a different pace that is appropriate for him/her. Remember, we are trying to maximize the engagement of our students.
Are We Chasing Technology or Mastering It?
By Andrew Marcinek
Comment RSS
Slow down, you move too fast...
These are the lyrics to Simon and Garfunkel's famous The 59th Street Bridge Song. Most think the title is "Feelin' Groovy" but like most S&G songs, the title makes you think a little more about the context of the song rather than simply giving it to you. You have to slow down and listen to each lyric and allow their harmonies to take you to their world.
These lyrics came into my head last night as I was participating in the fast moving stream of #edchat. The topic was "With the development of tech in our society, how prepared are educators?" My first reaction was why are we worried about pace? Why do we care how fast everyone is acclimating to technology inside or outside of the classroom? This is not why we teach. We teach, or at least I do, to provide students with fundamental skills that they can take with them beyond my classroom. I give them adaptability skills and present them with a variety of challenges in Language Arts daily. I move at a different pace than most of my colleagues, but I make sure I hit all of the standards and never move on until they are mastered.
So why are we concerned about pace or using "new" tools before we have mastered the ones we already have? I don't want my students to move to the next skill set before they have mastered their current set. As teachers we model this daily, yet we are so anxious to find the next tech tool or create the next buzzword in education. At this pace we are spreading ourselves too thin and short-changing our students. It is not the way to integrate technology or 21st century learning skills.
As a technology specialist I want to allow teachers to move at their own pace and allow them to use whichever learning tool suits them best. To other technology specialists, I would suggest that you present these slower moving colleagues with some ideas as you move ahead at a much different pace. Don't come at them aggressively or arrogantly, just say, "I have some ideas that may or may not help your lessons. Give them a try and if you need help, let me know." Give a collegial nod, and walk away.
If your colleagues use PowerPoint effectively and the kids are learning from it then let them go. Let them check it off as technology integration! Don't be one of the Tech-jocks and scoff at their slow uptake on the tech wave. Embrace them! Give them a short, resounding golf clap for stepping out of their comfort zone. And remember, not everyone teaches like you; just as our students don't all learn the same way.
Educators should not pace education at the same pace at which technology moves. It is far too fast, and too sudden. Technology is old when you buy it, however, content and skill sets have been thriving, although evolving, for years. When we combine the two tracks we can create a dynamic classroom environment. If we focus on a few tech tools a year and evolve those tools each year or each semester we will be giving our students a rich, dynamic curriculum.
Let's focus on what we have in education and master it before we move on to the next trend. The iPhone is a good example of how we should all pace our classrooms. Each year Apple comes out with a new iPhone. They expand and evolve the previous version while keeping the core elements intact. They add a little each year without racing or worrying about what others are doing. They are confident with the product they have and understand that they can always make it better. And, last time I checked they do pretty well (save for that minor antenna issue).
Take this approach and pace in your own classroom this year. Allow your colleagues time to learn, evolve, and master before you start shouting WIKI! MOODLE! GOOGLE! DIIGO! TWITTER! in their face. As my uncle once wrote in my 21st Birthday card, "Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint."
Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da...Feelin' Groovy.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Homeroom Documents
Please see the below links for the procedures and information needed for the extended homeroom on September 2.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Welcome Back
Hello everyone,
It’s hard to believe that we are one week away from the start of the school year. We hope everyone has enjoyed the last several weeks, and have been able to relax while achieving everything you had planned. We’ve been busy at the school preparing for the beginning of the new school year.
There have been several additions to our staff for the coming year. Some are coming from other buildings and others are coming from outside of our district.
Please welcome:
Yvette Panasowich Supervisor
Laura North Secretary
Debra Goldberg- Technology
Pricilla Taylor- Enrichment
Melissa Clark Music
Lara Darpino- Art
Many of you have already begun preparing for September by participating in PBSIS and Talent 21 workshops. As we discussed at the end of the year, we will be continuing with these concepts throughout the year by having the workshops and trainings throughout the year to ensure success for you, the program, and the students. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist with these initiatives.
The maintenance staff is almost finished installing the Smart Boards and the custodial staff is currently putting the final touches on the building and it looks great! Everyone is working diligently to ensure everything is finished and ready for you and the students.
As we did last year, Mindy and I would like to review the grading policy you will be using with your classes. We will be reviewing them and getting them back to you as quickly as possible. Please forward a copy either electronically or on paper to Laura no later than Friday, September 3. This will allow us to review your policy and get it back to you before the first full day of school.
Your class lists and schedule are available in your grade book through Power Teacher. Although we will be explaining the schedule in depth on Wednesday, please go to my Posterous site at to view a Jing I created explaining the schedule rotation. Please note there are two Jings on the site, the first is for staff and the second is for students and parents. By Monday we will be sending you an overview of the September 1 and the schedules for the 2nd and 3rd.
We are looking forward to a great year and seeing you on September 1st. As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
Respectfully yours,
Andrew Zuckerman Mindy Milavsky
Principal Assistant Principal
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Looking Ahead
What will technology usage to look like in your classroom at the end of the first marking period? Identify some programs and/or applications you look to imbed.
Click on the Teacher Resource link above for additional resources